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Price List

Age 3 months – 2 years 
Morning Session (8:00am-1:00pm) £26.50
Afternoon Session (1:00pm-6:00pm) £26.50
Full Day 8:00-6:00 £53.00
Early School day (8:00-3:30) £39.75
School day (8:45-3:30) £35.78
School dinner £2.50


From 2 years olds

Morning Session (8:00am-1:00pm) £24.50
Afternoon Session (1:00pm-6:00pm) £24.50
Full Day 8:00-6:00 £49.00
Early School day (8:00-3:30) £36.75
School day (8:45-3:30) £33.08
School dinner £2.50


Funded hours 15/30 Term Time only

can be claimed over the following sessions

Morning Session (8:00am-1:00pm) 5 hours
Afternoon Session (1:00pm-6:00pm)

5 hours
Full Day (8:00am-6:00pm)

10 hours
Early School day (8:00am-3:30pm)

7.5 hours
School day (8:45-3:30) 6.75 hours


Nursery fees are inclusive of snacks and drinks (as well as breakfast if taking that session)
If a lunch is required, these are provided by Calthwaite School and are charged for accordingly otherwise a packed lunch can be brought in from home.

We ask Parents to provide nappies.

For children aged up to 2 years, fees apply all year round (excluding bank holidays and the time between Christmas Eve and 2nd January). Each child is entitled to 3 weeks holiday throughout the year.

Free early learning for 2 year old’s

First Class Kids is registered by Cumbria county council to provide free early years education for some 2 year olds. The funding is limited and therefore a qualifying criterion is required and a referral submitted.
To confirm eligibility or to apply ; online at or
by calling 01946 506229 for more information.

Free 15 and 30 hours entitlement for three and four year old’s.

We are registered with Cumbria County Council to offer the government entitlement.
Children who have had their 3rd birthday between these dates will have a free place from the following months:
* 1st April – 31st August – Start September
* 1st September – 31st December – Start January
* 1st January – 31st March – Start April 
The free entitlement is for 15 hours or 30 hours and can be claimed term time only and if you wish with another registered setting, where you can share the funding between the two settings. 
We do not offer the free entitlement over the school holidays and provide a holiday club facility that you can book. Please contact nursery for session and prices. 
To register for the 15 hours entitlement we will need to see a copy of your child’s birth certificate to support our contractual obligation with the council. We will also ask you to sign an agreement form, known as a free entitlement contract. 
To apply for the 30 hours free funding please visit where you can apply and see if you are legible for the funding. If you are we will require an eligibility code and your National Insurance Number to access this on your behalf. 
There is a strict timeline on accessing funding so please ensure you plan well ahead. 


Childcare Vouchers

We accept most childcare vouchers. As a nursery we have may parents who also pay through the government tax free childcare scheme.

Please feel free to speak to a member of the management team on any of the above.

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